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Pre-Implant Management of Extraction Sockets: Roadmap to Implant Success (50 mins)

Pre-Implant Management of Extraction Sockets: Roadmap to Implant Success (50 mins)

Regular price $49.00 CAD
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In this course, Dr. Shelemay explains the continuum from extracting a tooth to having a functional and aesthetic implant replacement for the missing tooth. Treatment outcome can greatly improve, and the process simplified by preserving the residual ridge with bone grafting or possibly placing an immediate implant at the time of tooth removal. A systematic approach to classifying extraction sockets helps in determining possible treatment options.


Dr. Avi Shelemay

Dr. Shelemay maintains a private practice in Ottawa limited to periodontics and implant surgery. Before moving to Ottawa in 2006, Dr. Shelemay was an Assistant Professor (part-time) with the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto, and staff per... See Dr. Avi Shelemay's Bio